Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

Carter & Austin before all the gifts and dinner. They looked so cute in the matching Christmas outfits!

Carter's cousin Laura loves to hold him. She does a very good job.

Laura read to the family before opening gifts. She did a very good job.

Austin was very careful opening gifts. He made sure to hand me all the paper pieces to put in the garbage.

We had such a fun time Christmas Eve at Grandma Lorie's and Grandpa Randy's. We went to Christmas Eve service, had a wonderful dinner with family, opened presents and played games.

Christmas Day we started out at Grandma Lorie's house for brunch and gifts with the Dittmers. Then we headed back to our place for a late lunch with my side of the family. We had Great Grandma Dorothy and Great Grandpa Vernon down for dinner as well. Austin had a very fun Christmas!

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