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Monday, December 22, 2008

The Paulsrud Family Christmas-December 21, 2008

Austin was being so shy he was not even interested in opening his present. It turned out to be a guitar that made a LOT of noise. His uncle Nick was not a fan of our little rockstar.

Austin was asked to help make ice cream. Grandma Lorie was trying to help him out.

Austin was not real interested. He wanted to play then eat the ice cream after the other kids made it.

Austin's shyness definetly came out when he was around so many strangers.
Finally he just figured pouting would get him out of the hot seat. I dont know where he gets that... ;)

Uncle Stephen decided we needed one more cute baby in the picture. Austin wasn't sure how to act. Like a big boy or a baby!

Can you believe Kate is only 11 days younger than Carter. Carter was closer to the camera but still...

Austin & Kate. Kate is Randy's neices baby.

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