Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Visits with Santa Claus

I love this picture of the boys. The Santa looked so real too.

Austin liked the idea of a treat bag!

Austin and Santa

Austin and the Santa hat! He wasn't as excited about the cute picture as I was.

Austin and Carter with their cousins Laura and Jack.

Austin & Carter with Santa #2. Carter was fast asleep and Austin was still not sure about this Santa.

Austin wasn't as comfortable with this Santa as the first. I also think he may be getting a molar so he was not in as good of mood as the night before.
After a night with Grandma Lorie the boys were very worn out the next morning! They both took a power nap on the floor before going to a second visit with Santa Claus.

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