Austin LOVES to help with anything that has to do with Carter. If Carter loses his paci Austin will be more than happy to get it for him. He also brings whatever he thinks Carter would like...toys, bottles (usually empty off the counter but it is the thought that counts), blankets, etc. Austin is a very good big brother and I am glad they are so close in age that he likes to help and isn't really jealous of Carter. Last night was bath night and Austin wanted to help Mommy wash Carter. He was very stubborn about giving the wash cloth back so it was good it was the end of bath for Carter.
That is the cutest little thing!! Hope Carter is feeling better!!
ntlAustin's so cute - enjoy it while you can - i'm sure they're going to be at each other's necks at some point, like my brothers were! haha.
Hey Guys,
Great looking Kids! You can tell they are McCravens...lol.
Hope life is treating you well. Hold on to Jesus. Google David W. McCraven and see what you come up with.
haha. love it!! That's so cute that he likes to help....enjoy it now, I'm sure it won't be long before they are fighting over toys. :)
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