Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 31, 2009

One Busy Weekend!

Carter is a very good but messy eater. He usually ends up with quite a bit in his hair or on his face. These two pictures were cute because Austin kept trying to get this piece out of his hair to feed to Carter.
Without the help of Elle & Paige (our awesome babysitters) and Lorie and Stephen we would have had a very stressful time at some points. Thanks guys!

Austin playing some football with my cousin Jordan.

Austin feeding Carter some yummy dip. It was supposed to be for fruit but for the boys it was better on its own. :)

Unfortunately something happened to our camera and ALL our pictures from the past few months were erased :( Needless to say I was very upset. So we have no pictures from the wedding. If anyone wants to email a couple of the boys in their tuxes I will put them on the blog for others to see. Other than that our weekend was very fun. We spent a couple nights at the hotel and got to spend a lot of time with family and friends.

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