Here are some pictures from Austins Birthday Party today. He turns two tomorrow.
January 5th!!!

Lorie and I made this cake for Austin. Nate did put a few finishing touches on as well ;)

Austin and his cousin Laura going down the slide at Shipwreck Bay.

Mommy and Carter.
This was Carter's first experience in the water other than a bathtub. He did really well but got a little chilly after a bit.

Mommy, Daddy, Austin & Carter enjoying the pool.

Carter with his Daddy's cousin Alivia.

The three Amigos.
Austin, his cousin Jack and his Daddy's cousin Issac.

Austin and his yummy cake.
We did catch him sneaking some frosting while we were trying to get some pictures.

Austin blowing out his candles. He actually blew them all out himself.

Finally he got to enjoy some cake without having to sneak it ;)
Thanks, we had a wonderful time! (Amanda did most of the cake decorating)
That's awesome!! Wish we could have been there.
Can't believe he's two already. He's so cute! Our Austin loves spiderman too!
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